
by 乔·施罗耶著 | 2016年8月26日

这个名字——学生成功办公室——确实说明了这一点. 这是一种支持学生的全新整体方法, 今年秋天在十大正规网赌平台推出, 它结合了人们的协作网络, 个别辅导, 以及帮助学生茁壮成长和取得成功的高科技工具.

“The aim of the Student Success Office is to provide students with access to the resources 和 mentoring they need to build academic, 个人, 以及在大学及以后的职业成功,负责学生成功的助理副教务长说. 特雷西·帕斯夸·迪亚, who leads the newly established SSO that combines five reconfigured offices under one umbrella—Student Engagement 和 Academic Success (SEAS), 职业及专业发展服务, 高潜能项目, 学生残疾服务, 以及指导和学术技能中心.

SSO方法的核心是一对一的指导计划, in partnership with InsideTrack—a San Francisco company offering expertise in higher education coaching, 分析, 和技术. 今年, 第一次, every incoming student (first year 和 transfer) is assigned a SEAS coach who will meet with them at least twice a semester, 帮助他们规划自己的道路, 跟踪进度, 介绍资源和机会, 并向SSO的同事和校园内的其他人推荐.

The effectiveness of this coaching model is supported by a l和mark paper by Eric Bettinger, associate professor of economics at the Stanford 研究生 School of Business. Published in 2013 in the American Education Research Association’s journal 教育评估与政策分析, the paper reported that an independent review of controlled studies on the effects of InsideTrack coaching showed a consistent improvement of as much as 15 percent in retention 和 graduation for students across all demographics. 美国.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse reviewed Bettinger’s analysis of InsideTrack methodology 和 found it met their evidence st和ards without reservations.

在圣玛丽, 教练, who complements the work of the 教师 adviser 和 other campus partners, 会和学生一起度过四年吗, 以确保顺利过渡到大学, 顺利毕业, 为充实的事业和个人生活做准备. The coach is the hub for all other services on campus in a highly connected web of support. 最终,所有圣玛丽的学生都将有一位教练.

“我们将学生视为一个完整的人. It’s not just about academics; it’s about life,” said SEAS Director Corliss Watkins. “We will empower students to remove any barriers to their own success, 帮助他们解决问题, 比如财务问题, 例如, 这当然会影响他们的学业成绩. 我们会指引他们找到正确的答案.”

An important campus resource for first-generation 和 low-income students is 高潜能项目, led by Director Tarik Scott 和 教师 Co-Director Gloria Aquino Sosa. HP’s ability to support the success of these students was significantly enhanced by a $1.2015年,美国政府授予了100万美元的奖金.S. 美国教育部(DOE). 五年补助金, 由美国能源部的TRIO学生支持服务计划资助, underwrites higher education efforts to motivate 和 prepare students underrepresented on college campuses for academic success 和 graduation. The TRIO grant has made it possible for HP to work more deeply with qualified students.

“We are going from a program that primarily focused on the HP student’s first year, 与同行导师保持联系, to a more robust program to support students throughout all four years,斯科特说. “We have four graduate student counselors who will provide individualized coaching for HP students, 加上辅导服务, 金融知识工作坊, 接触研究生选择和, 第一次, 奖学金发给最需要帮助的学生.”

These changes to HP 和 the introduction of 教练ing model represent wraparound support for a student’s entire undergraduate career at Saint Mary’s, 斯科特说. “We don’t pretend that a coach will have all the answers right off the bat. It’s more a conversation in which we figure out together who on campus or off can help students achieve their goals. We will function as an information hub with a commitment to high st和ards of excellence 和 support. 对学生来说应该是天衣无缝的.”

沃特金斯强调了指导所有学生的重要性. “我们都熟悉生活教练的概念, 体育教练, 指导和引导他人成功的人. 这是一个类似的想法.”

贝福麦克莱恩, 职业及专业发展服务(CPDS)总监, 把它比作公司舞台上的教练. 麦克莱恩说:“作为一名高管,我在一些职位上有过教练. “做好充分准备很重要,因为, 作为领导者, 你对很多人都有影响力. 在那个世界里,它被认为是一种荣誉的象征.”

她的部门最重要的目标, 麦克莱恩说, is to provide resources for every student to plan for 和 create a meaningful professional life. Energized by particular goals of the strategic plan—raising the academic profile, 支持学生的生命周期, 和 getting the message out about SMC’s competitiveness—McLean is amping up external outreach with potential employers, marketing the abilities of SMC students 和 the quality of their preparation, 开展更多实习, 增加与校友的接触, “和 offering training for students in career literacy 和 how to present themselves to potential employers. These are keys to lifelong employability in the working world,” McLean said. Her department will offer training at times that work with student schedules, particularly important for graduate students who may only have evening 和 weekend hours to devote to such resources.

SSO’s student support network also relies on an easy-to-use technical backbone—EAB’s Student Success Collaborative, 互动交流, 工作流, 以及支持院长的分析平台, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生, 让他们获得资源, 进度报告, 警报, 和 a wealth of data that can predict problems before they become problems. 它是学生进步的一站式综合视图, 只有教练才能看到全貌.

Playing a key role in this collaborative tool is Student Success Coordinator Jim Fawcett, 谁负责培训用户, 回答用户问题, 分析和报告数据. “The Student Success Collaborative is a more user-friendly tool than the previous system with its bulkier administrative functions.”

教职员工可以查看学生信息, 和, 在未来, students will be able to identify their SEAS coach 和 their academic advisor 和 schedule appointments with them as well as sign up for tutoring or writing center sessions,福塞特说. “我们将继续推出新功能, 包括一个名为EAB指南的应用程序(2017年春季试用), which will give students mobile access from their phones 和 tablets to this world of information 和 resources.”

This new system offers various levels of access for different audiences within a robust information platform, 福西特补充道. “这对每个人来说都更有效率,更有效. But, in the end, it benefits the students 和 their path to success, which is our larger purpose.”

在如此强大的分析支持下, an innovative coaching model 和 a higher level of collaboration 和 connectivity, 帕斯夸迪亚说, “the Student Success Office combines high touch with high tech for high-impact results for our students.”
